MESCIUS operates several businesses in different industries.
The unified vision for all of our businesses is to create and provide
products and services that contribute to society, are beneficial,
and are one step ahead of our customers’ expectations.

We are not bound by existing frameworks
but share new ideas generated around the world
and develop products and services with an eye on industry trends.

Software development support tools

Developer Solutions

Development solution tool with a cumulative sales record of over 1,2 million licenses

Our development solutions business started more than 35 years ago with the goal of becoming the best partner for developers.
Since then, we have been providing software that improves the development productivity of business systems and web services and the functionality of their applications for more than 35 years.
We have sold more than 1.2 million software licenses to date, and with more than 250,000 companies using our software worldwide.

Go to the Developer Solutions website

Solutions to promote the use of IT systems

Enterprise Solutions

Providing more accessible and easier-to-use systems
to solve corporate digital issues

IT has become an important business infrastructure for information sharing and communication, in addition to processing business data such as sales and production management.
There is also an active movement to create new value through digitization.
At the same time, however, many companies are facing challenges because their on-site and system department systems have not been able to keep up with the changes.
Against this backdrop, the Enterprise Solutions Division proactively adopts no-code and low-code technologies that allow systems to be built without IT specialists, and provides a number of solutions to improve digital operations in a variety of industries and occupations.

Go to the Wyn website